Saturday 15 March 2014

Rewriting my new novel - Now it's 23rd March 2014

23rd March 3 pm
Seven days gone in the blink of an eye. What happened?
Well, we have been having the  front drive resurfaced and the back garden altered. This has involved a lot of backwards and forwards from workmen, and noise. I have not had much time to write my novel. Although I have managed to get the chapters in running order. I have chopped, changed and added to the story, and will probably change the title.
Now I have a couple of hours almost noise free to work on my book. The workmen return tomorrow.

16th March 4 pm
I'm pleased with the progress I have made today.
The story is moving forward in leaps and bounds. The plot to my surprise has thickened. The darker side of one of the psychics in the book is being revealed. Knowing this character as I do now, I'm not shocked by what he is getting up to! I sincerely hope that he redeems himself further on in the book. If not I will be disappointed.

16th March 2014
Made a great start today. I thought hard last night working out where the plot had gone wrong. I realised that I  had veered off course. I  need to concentrate on the main characters, and let them tell me the story. I don't know  how I managed to go so wrong!

15th March 2014
I've spent today rewriting my latest novel. I'm 34,000 word in. I've made numerous changes to it. I realised that I had far too many characters, and that the story had deviated from the main plot line. It wasn't that difficult a decision to rewrite it, but unfortunately I'm still not satisfied.
Probably have a reread tomorrow, and alter the time travel story, perhaps I'll cut it out altogether.

I'm expecting my book Whatever Happened After Birmingham Girls back from the editor next weekend. This is the sequel to Birmingham Girls. I'm hoping to publish it later this year.

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