Sunday 16 March 2014

Reincarnation or Future Lives

Yesterday's Children: The Search for My Family from the Past - Jenny Cockell

I've read the above book a few times. I often wonder whether we have all lived before. It seems that scientists have tried for years to disprove that this can happen, but they have never succeeded.
I know that at times I have had fleeting memories of other times and places. Such as when I have visited somewhere different that I know I have never been to before, but instinct  tells me that I have. Nothing like the author of the above book has experienced.
Many people, myself included have met someone who we feel that we have met before, but cannot remember where or when.
I occasionally dream of places and recognise them as belonging to a past life. Some people say in fact that we can actually visit future lives in our dreams. I wonder.
The thing is, what makes it all so intriguing is that no-one has ever been able to prove that past or future lives occur.
My new novel has chapters where the main character visits the future. I'm finding it very interesting to write about. She also agrees to be regressed, so far in the story the therapist has been unable to take her back into her past.

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