Friday 1 March 2013

Why I wrote my book - Mysterious Happenings

Why I wrote Mysterious Happenings

I was injured in a serious road traffic accident in, 1989; btw, I was not the driver of the vehicle. Due to my injuries I lost my business. Having extra time on my hands, I decided to write a book. One of my interests along with the supernatural has always been writing, so I looked on the accident as an opportunity to write it. So I did!

Having read the tarot cards and crystal ball for a few years I had been told ghost stories by a number of my clients. With their permission, I had written them down in case I ever wrote a book of ghost stories. I did not realise how soon it would happen.

I appealed through local papers for stories and was quite overwhelmed by the response. To my delight, the stories I received were many and varied. I decided to include the stories that had no logical explanation. I soon had enough stories to write the book.

After having my book proofread, I decided to publish it as a booklet. Mystical Happenings was a tremendous success. Other booklets quickly followed. In 2010, I compiled all the booklets into one book, Mysterious Happenings. This has been well received in paperback, on Amazon Kindle and on Smashwords.

One of the stories from Mysterious Happenings


Ravenhill House, Brereton, Staffs, at one time stood alongside the busy A51 between Rugeley and Brereton, and was reputed to be haunted by the spirit of an old grey-haired lady. The building was over 200 years old when it was demolished several years ago; it has a well-documented history. It was used as an old soldiers' convalescent home in the 1914-18 war and housed American Servicemen during the last war, but since 1948 it was part of premises of an electronics company owned by Thorn EMI Electronics Ltd.
An employee of the company claimed that one evening when working late in the House, he entered one of the rooms and found the figure of an old lady sitting by a sealed-up fireplace, but when he approached to speak to the unknown person, she just disappeared.
Further enquiries led to reports of other people having witnessed the ghostly lady on different occasions. An eminent witness was the wife of Colonel Guy German D.S.O. to whom the first major book written about the notorious wartime ‘Colditz’ German P.O.W. Camp was dedicated.
The parents of Major T. Gardener of Bishton near Wolesley Bridge owned Ravenhill House and over thirty acres of surrounding land, from 1920 until 1936 when the house, with its superbly kept gardens and two streams and ornamental pool was pleasantly set in open countryside. The Major recalls one evening during this time, when Mrs. Rosemary German, who was staying as a guest for a few nights at Ravenhill, surprised her hosts, Mr. And Mrs. Gardner. They were walking down the stairs to dinner when she rushed up to them saying that she had entered the dining room to unexpectedly find an elderly lady sitting by the fireside to whom she hadn't been introduced.
Knowing of no other guests, the hosts were naturally puzzled, but when the three entered the room, there was no longer any sign of the old lady. At this point, Mrs. Gardner related that she had previously already seen the apparition in the same room, as had the Governess, Miss Minnie Galivan. Miss D.F. Landor of Tithe Barn Road, Rugeley, who had earlier lived in the black and white cottage nearest to the pelican crossing in Rugeley Horse Fair when she was Miss Landor’s Governess, gave some more information. Miss Galivan was strongly of the Christian faith and had attempted to exorcise the ghost by praying over the spot where it was seen.
Other reports tell of a ghostly coach and pair being seen on the driveway to the house in earlier times.
Witnesses generally agree that the ghostly lady was old, small, and grey-haired, and one claimed that she wore blue. Unfortunately, details of the spectre’s attire are insufficient to give a clue to the date of her real life. She wasn’t a mischievous ghost.
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Watch the video here of Mysterious Happenings.

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